More on Ohio Salt Mine Disaster, updated

These relate to out earlier post, Ohio Salt Mine Operations Suspended.




(8-21) Cargill expects Lake Erie salt mine shutdown will last at least a week
(8-26) Cleveland salt mine safety concerns likely not a serious problem, geologists predict, but one never knows for sure
(8-29) Cargill gradually resuming operations at salt mine

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Cargill will gradually resume operations at a Lake Erie salt mine that was closed 10 days ago amid worries the roof could collapse.
The company has determined that the “area of concern is isolated and that we can take measures to address the situation,”

Updates will go here.    Thanks to reader, TMT for the news – 😉

short link –

10 thoughts on “More on Ohio Salt Mine Disaster, updated

  1. The puzzle is coming together faster! Seeing how the country will be split in two is clearer. With two compromised salt domes on opposite sides of the country. It appears only thing missing is the Madrid quake.

  2. Excerpts:
    Sand, gypsum, and limestone used for construction purposes are found in abundance. Large reserves of natural gas —over 3 trillion cubic feet—are located under Lake Erie.

    The water surface area is 9,910 square miles (25,667 sq. km) and the volume is 116 cubic miles (483 cu. km).

    Lake Erie Facts
    In Ontario, salt is found along the shores of Lake Huron and Lake Erie, underlying part of Michigan, part of Ohio, and Lakes Huron and Erie. The world’s largest salt mine, located in Goderich, Ont., and owned by Sifto Canada, mines salt from this deposit.

    Salt in Canada – Sifto Canada Corporation

  3. Here is another story related to the original shutdown. Says that the convergence was in an old section of the mine and the air handling systems had to be rerouted to the old section during the analysis. I have no idea what the embedded voice recording is about – they must have added it for sensationalism. Kent State University is near Cleveland.

    Here is the correct post to the above Cleveland Plain Dealer Article They must have ran this story to not panic the public … surprised it does not state that “there is no immediate threat”.

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