Major Gas Pipeline Terminals in Napoleonville

Here is a MAP of the big Florida to Louisiana pipeline run by Bridgeline. It is # 304.

All of the pipelines and links to maps are here.

Sept. 9 they re-started full operations and all the natural gas  is flowing as usual through the pipeline.

Bridgeline Force Majeure Notice: Update 9/06/2012 Bridgeline is rescinding its currently-effective declaration of Force Majeure that went into effect Wednesday, August 28, 2012 at 9:00 A.M. for points on Bridgeline Holdings that were shut in due to Hurricane Isaac. . . .”

So it looks like they have 100% confidence in the butane cavern, the sinkhole and the protection from earthquakes they evidently enjoy.

5 thoughts on “Major Gas Pipeline Terminals in Napoleonville

  1. As I understand that map…

    Acadian (Napoleonville) 301 & Florida (Napoleonville) 306 run East / West. Both of those pipelines are less than 900 meters to the north of the known edge of the sink-hole. The North / South pipelines are as far as I can tell the ones that have already been engulfed by the sink-hole.

    The Napoleonville site appears to be 1 of 2 storage areas on this map, the other being at Sorrento, which makes me wonder, if things have decayed to this point at the Napoleonville site, then what is happening at Sorrento, a storage site that is luckily over 3km from the nearest human habitation. And it begs the question just how many sites like this are there dotted around the Americas.

  2. Bridgeline Holdings LP –

    “…operates nearly 10 billion cu. ft. of capacity of salt dome storage….” not very reassuring and don’t forget all of that PLANT next to the river, that’ll be one hell of a ‘firecracker’ if it goes up.

    Distance from sink-hole –
    Plant : 23 – 26 km
    Sorrento salt dome : 38 km

    Remind me, what is the projected ‘blast radius’ if the Napoleonville salt dome goes up ??

    • geeez!
      The Bridgeline site (on the sidebar) lists if they turn off any part of the pipeline or change services. So it can be assumed they are operating that system in Napoleonville as if there is nothing wrong.
      Ditto officials handing out drilling permits near the sinkhole.

    • If that happened I am sure some government ‘partners’ would take the monitors off line.
      I wonder if they have a small delay like on tv to snag personalities who accidentally swear on the air.

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