Thursday News – Holiday Wrecked by Poison Gas at the Sinkhole

Bloggers, sinkhole workers and Assumption Parish staff are getting their day off wrecked by a big increase of action out at the sinkhole. Can’t use the phrase “explosion of activity” as with this sinkhole that is no joke!

ENE-NewsOfficials call in Louisiana State Police to giant sinkhole — Company kept dangerous gas a secret for 24 hours

“Texas Brine waited 24 hours to let the parish know about the discovery of the dangerous gas.”

Texas Brine sinkhole plan would plug well  < Caution! Source is Texas Brine

ENE-News –  TV: Residents by sinkhole “believe nothing will be done until someone dies” — Tremors increased on same day dangerous gas found — Followed by ‘debris’ rising to surface

WAFB tv report with video

Texas Brine takes day off . . . seismic activity dies down(!). See monitors.


GOHSEP has a new situation summary <in power point format

Sinkhole evacuees plan for RV Thanksgiving

The Big Feud page is updated.

WBMG tv report: Bayou Corne community outraged with lack of warning of toxic gas found

This is a comparison of sinkhole size from August to now –



MORE here later . . . 

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