Louisiana Sinkhole’s Explosive Potential Massively Understated!

Great compilation of info about those stored chemicals!
If a private citizen had those in his basement he’d be arrested as a terrorist!



Louisiana Sinkhole’s Explosive Potential Massively Understated!



The various threats all of us are facing posed by the mammoth issues in Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico, are spinning completely out of control. The consequences are far reaching, phenomenal, and highly volatile.

Instead of weaving this update one into another…this time I shall take it one area at a time, this time focusing on just the Napoleonville “Sinkhole”. If any doubt the veracity of any of the claims I make, please rest assured a link will be provided for each and every salient point, normally by scientific entreaties, video, or news sources, as well as the usual authorities.


Much has happened since my last article. The so-called “sinkhole” has now grown to over eight football fields in size with daily seismic activity. Although close to 85, 000 gallons of oil have been removed…

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13 thoughts on “Louisiana Sinkhole’s Explosive Potential Massively Understated!

  1. You’ve gotta love WordPress. I am having to re-imbed all my links, so be patient. Again, thx FCF for being patient. Watch the Video and be blown away. This is about 1/2000 the explosive potential of Magnolia.

    • you can open yr bitmap in yr art thingy (Paint or any other one) and do ‘SAVE AS’ and select JPG option. Then upload it.’
      I do that to copy parts to PDFs for my readers here.

  2. Great article and thank you for the dedication pulling things together. I follow the sinkhole situation and your work is helpful in keeping track of the big picture. However, I question your interpretation of ‘bbl’ to mean BILLION barrels. See the following from wikipedia.
    “Designation of quantities of petroleum products by barrels: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrel_(unit)
    Oil barrel, (abbreviation bbl): a legacy volume measure of 42 US gallons (34.9723 imp gal; 158.9873 L).[7] It can also mean 35 imperial gallons (42.0332 US gal; 159.1132 L). Commonly a barrel is regarded as 159 L volume.”
    Also you state your interpretation of the seismic activity as the caverns breaking down. Somewhere I saw a reference to a website discussing how to read seismographs maybe idahopicker or dutchsinse? Would like to see more discussion of that. Seems that the issue of subsidence throughout the entire gulf coast region is related.

    • I guess yr comment is for Freedomrox. I know it is ‘million’ plus barrels.
      On this sidebar under ‘Seismic Monitor’ topic there is a good link to how to read the graphs. I also put a short item there on harmonic tremors as they are distinct and often seen at the sinkhole.

      NOTE: All viewpoints put out on this blog.
      That is so readers can pick out what they think best fits. I don’t agree with it all but I keep changing my mind as it falls apart.

    • Ma’am I apologize. You are correct. BBL’s are Barrel’s are not not Billion, but a screwed up interpretation of 42 gallons of space, either equal to in gas or liquid. Since we have to understand that one barrel of gas a 500 feet below the earth expands to over 900 barrels by the time it reaches the surface, then you would be correct as stated within the well, or storage area, but please attempt to understand the difference of a gas under pressure, and a liquid that is not under pressure. I chose to represent the actual amount that would be liquified at above 1 ft. sea level. It does not take much research to understand this principle.

      As for your second critisism, then you speak to the donation seeking DutchSince, as I have no desire to, and as for Idaho, well, he is a good man and have nothing against him, but since I have read seismographs since I was a child, then I may have some small understanding. Plus, so-called “International Experts” agree with my assessment if not my conclusions. This is a very convoluted issue

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