A NEW THEORY by Freedomrox

This explains some of the surface materials and how things behave at Lake Oxy 3 (formerly known as a sinkhole)!

12 thoughts on “A NEW THEORY by Freedomrox

  1. Here is my two cent of it
    Has anyone taken a pressure-check for each one of those storage cavern in that salt dome if that salt dome is like a eggshell the bottom could have a break in it and the side where the sinkhole is.
    It could be on a fault line.

  2. Anything is possible, Walter, but there are thousands of feet of salt around these small caverns, except on the west side now. This is not to actual scale, but at least a visual that everyone can understand. Also, there really is no cavern anymore as it has to have brined a large portion of the salts to the east. Eventually it will intersect with another cavern.

  3. Is that salt dome Magnetic high if so interpreted to mark presence of buried mafic lavas.
    Mafic igneous rocks
    Lavas plucked above salt base
    Alkafic mafics intruded into salt dome
    Alkalic mafics plucked from beneath salt
    Southern Louisiana salt dome xenoliths: First glimpse of Jurassic (ca. 160 Ma) Gulf of Mexico crust

    Click to access SternSaltDomeGeology11.pdf

    Mafic rock, in geology, igneous rock these minerals are high in magnesium and ferric oxides.

    • I guess they try to put them in good so they don’t shift. I think cable tv people do something like it for aerial mapping.
      I am waiting to see if I can more from LSU on geology & the sinkhole. I will post it if I get anything.

  4. Freedomrox
    No I am the one that dense I have a very hard time explaining myself and a very low IQ don’t help.
    And yes your right that is a run away man made disaster.
    Is the earth under your feet getting hotter down there in Louisiana ?

    The sun coming up in East I don’t think it in the right place for this time of year and going down in the west.
    Has the hold earth I should say it like the skin of the earth has moved.

    • OK Walter. I am not in Louisiana, but close enough. I am actually right on the New Madrid Fault zone.
      Actually it the mantle that is moving underneath the skin of the earth. Everything else is running like it should be, but…is super-energized right now due to the Birkeland Currents supplying the Sun and planets with high resonance plasma. It changes many people’s perceptions of the environment around them and adds hyper-sensitivity into the mix. Usually during the high phases, revolutions become almost inevitable somewhere on the planet.

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